21 Apr

  1. Eggshells for added calcium.      
  2. Mealworms for extra protein.
  3. Bird Seed gives them more variety in their diet. Some bird food contains nuts, mealworms and fruits. Yum!
  4. Cat Food is great. Especially in the winter or colder months.
  5. Milk is a great treat for chickens. Frozen or not. Make them a smoothie treat. 
  6. Sweet Potatoes are full of fiber and helps to keep your chickens regular.
  7. Fruits and Vegetables add a great treat for your little minions. It helps to chop or cut them up.
  8. Diatomaceous Earth is amazing! It helps in so many ways we will be doing a blog just about this on our site. Here is to happy healthy chickens that lay more often and have beautiful eggs!
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